Monday, December 25, 2006

Attitudes towards Buddhist religious respect and thinking among teenage students in the university.

พรทิพย์ เหลียวตระกูล, รศ.ดร.ศักดิ์ กองสุวรรณ, รศ.ดร.กัลยาณี จิตต์การุณ, รศ.ดร.คอล ลาเวนเดอร์, พระวิสุทธิภัทรธาดา


The objective of this research is to study the Attitudes towards Buddhist religious respect and thinking among teenage students in the university in which sampling groups were be students within Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. Information Tecnology program Computer program and Business Computer totally 200 students by using sampling many steps. Tools for gathering a data were questionnaire for evaluation 5 degrees (Lekert Scale). The main topic explained in 3 items 1 Buddhist religious respect outlook 2 perceived benefits of Buddhist religious respect 3 Attitudes toward Buddhist religious respect.

The result of this research is almost students have a Buddhist religious respect outlook in medium to high level. For item of perceived benefits of Buddhist religious respect in an overview of students is a medium to high. For an attitude toward Buddhist religious respect Is a medium to high level.

จากการประชุมวิชาการ การบูรณาการเทคโนโลยี สังคมกับชุมชน คณะศิลปศาสตร์
King Mongkut’s university of technology Thonburi
September 22, 2006

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